Florida Teak

Mahogany Wood Lumber – Mahogany heartwood color can vary from a pale pinkish-brown to a darker reddish-brown and tends to darken with age. Mahogany also exhibits an optical effect known as chatoyancy, in which a band of reflected light, known as a “cat’s-eye,” moves just beneath the surface (Tiger’s-eye is a well-known gemstone that exhibit this phenomenon). Mahogany is used for furniture, cabinetry, turned objects, veneers, musical instruments, boatbuilding, and carving. Mahogany is durable to very durable in rot resistance and is resistant to termites, but vulnerable to other insects.

Workability: Mahogany Wood Lumber is very easy to work with tools and machines well, although sections with figured grain can tearout or chip during machining. Slight dulling of cutters can occur. Mahogany sands very easily and turns, glues, stains and finishes well.

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